Sunday, January 3, 2010

Signs And Symptoms of Pregnancy

Why Periods Seem to Make Sicker More During Pregnancy?

Recent study and observation suggest that pregnancy and motherhood make women brainy for the reasons that hormonal fluctuations and hormonal changes during pregnancy, and lactation remodel the brain, increasing the size of neurons in some regions. This can be overcome by doing regular exercises like meditation (yoga), remember not to make any dangerouds or hard exercise during pregnancy, which will boost your brain power, which keeps you think well and sleep well as stressed brain will have more evil thoughts during this period. Refer more articles on the subject.
Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy
If you are trying to determine about what are the signs of pregnancy or pregnancy symptoms and how likely they are to mean that you are pregnant, the best thing is to read through the pregnancy signs given below. The more signs you have, the more likely that you are pregnant.
You can find below most common symptoms of pregnancy in order to figure out the actual situation and further medication can be sought.
The Possible signs are:
-> Missed periods
-> Unusual or abnormal period
-> Just "feeling" pregnant
-> Nausea and Vomiting
-> Changes in libido
-> Soreness of the Breasts
-> Enlargement of the Breasts
-> Frequent Urination
-> Strange Cravings
-> Fatigue
-> Montgomery's Tubercules
-> Skin Changes Possible
-> Stretch Marks
-> Enlarging Uterus
-> Movement
-> Colostrum from Breasts
-> Enlarged Abdomen
-> Change in uterine shape
-> Braxton Hicks Contractions
-> Palpation of the Baby
The Positive Determination Tests Are:
-> Pregnancy Test
-> Fetal Heart Tones
-> Ultrasound Detection
-> X-ray Detection


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